
Understanding The Human Brain

Medical research shows that a newborn baby has about 10 to 14 billion brain cells, it showed little difference with adults.
The next research also showed that about 60% of the cells develop before age 3 years and 80% before the age of 8 years.

Therefore, it is important to develop these brain cells since on fetus and followed after the birth; by providing an adequate environment for influence the development of the brain in order to achieve full potential.
Development of intellectual potential is a complex process. The number of many cells rather than be something important, but relation between a cell with other cells on the brain tissue.
Only 5% from the hundreds of millions of brain cells that might develop. Thus there are around 95% that have not been used. Thus the potential of growth is unlimited.

The brain is divided into 4 sections, that is:

  • Frontal Lobe (Psycho-Motor Association Cortex): personality, moral, understanding, creative ideas, wishes and thoughts, analysis and execution
  • Parietal Lobe (Sensory Association Cortex): differences in space, understanding and appreciation of space, understanding and appreciation of art, language skills
  • Occipital Lobe (Visual Association Cortex): central visual function
  • Temporal Lobe (Auditory Association Cortex): central auditory function, comprehensive understanding of the language


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